Kategorie: English

World Food Day – Welternährungstag

World Food Day Download

Every 5 seconds a child younger than 10 dies of hunger.
Alle 5 Sekunden stirbt ein Kind, das unter 10 Jahren alt ist, an den Folgen von Mangelernaehrung.


African Typo (Errata)

African Typo Download

2003 HIV prevalence (%) reported in 2004 Report on the global AIDS epidemic should read: …

DeutschEnglishKiswahilimultilingual version


Errata - Afrikanischer Druckfehler - African Typo - Mategu ya Afrika Download

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/144610963″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”130″ iframe=”true” /]

Die Worte der Jury zum Wettbewerbsbeitrag beim Plopp Award 2008:
“Es ist ein Stück, das uns überzeugt hat auf Grund der Nüchternheit und auf Grund des radikalen Konzepts, das der Autor gewählt hat.”

The jurys words at Plopp Award 2008:
“The piece convinces by its soberness and by the radical concept chosen by the authors.”

Akademie der Kuenste Berlin

Info: Afrikanischer Druckfehler – African Typo – Mategu ya Afrika

Errata in dradio freispiel

DeutschEnglishKiswahilimultilingual version

Heat Wave

Heat wave Download

All of us who are standing pressed against the wall, hold our breaths full of tension. Despite the heat wave some of us open their mouths…



Falls Invasion Download

The others nod their heads. No one says a word, not even when the last electric bulb dies.


falls invasion

Falls Invasion Download [

audio http://climate.podspot.de/files/128J_FallsInvasion.mp3]
Next year we should be better prepared to face fall.


Mosquito in the Neighbourhood

Malaria Download

That god-dam mosquito!


car driver’s calculation

Autofahrerrechnung Download

It may be that driving is not responsible for all that.


climate summit

climate summit Download

Bending down to pick up my cap my nose bumped into a fox.


eighthundred billion euro

Eight Hundred Billion Euro Download

I wonder whether this money fits in here.
